What is Swift and what might occur in the event that Russia is prohibited? Are Russia and China dependent on Swift?

What is Swift and what might occur in the event that Russia is prohibited? The framework was established in 1973 to make cross-line cash moves more effective and has become basic to the worldwide monetary foundation. It supplanted the Telex innovation that most banks utilized before the mid-1970s. Quick is utilized by 200 nations and regions. Last year, it recorded a normal of 42 million messages each day, while its traffic developed by 11.4 percent from a year sooner. The helpful society is possessed by part banks and doesn't deal with moves itself. US and European pioneers have declared a bundle of approvals on Russian banks and undertakings, freezing resources and stumbling their capacity to raise reserves universally, after Russia attacked Ukraine on Thursday. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has called for Russia to be cut off from the Swift monetary informing framework, yet that appears to be improbable temporarily. Vladimir Putin's presentation of battle on...

Best Android apps 2020


Best Android apps 2020

1- Crono Notification

This application is not new .. but it clearly impressed me .. This application is easy to download on your mobile and it remains for any browser you use on your laptop or computer .. And through the laptop and from this extension, you can see all the notifications of your on the mobile in front of you. On the ivy

I mean, if you are in a meeting or if your mobile is on the charger and far from you .. You can see through the extension on your laptop or computer that you see any need that comes to you on the mobile .. Any need, meaning any need!

  • You can access any call to your generation
  • You can see any dispatched message on WhatsApp, Viber, or any program
  • You can reply to any sent message on any application
  • You can view the SMS and reply to it

There is also a very sweet feature in this app, which is that you can ring a mobile phone through the extension that you have on the laptop because, for example, if you don’t find your phone or don’t know your mobile, you can say Ring My Phone, your mobile is here through the add-on on the computer. .

Your question will discover this add-on on your own, but there are some simple needs like this that will tell you .. You can see through the extension that you have on your laptop, the percentage of the battery in your phone, meaning if your phone is on the charger and you want to know the charging is cleared or because it is possible and you are sitting without what you do .. it is considered With you a mobile cam from the addition of this!

Notification application and download on your computer you can download the add on it .. But the two devices must be on the same WiFi network .. Your laptop or computer and mobile phone are on the same network.

2- Who Touched My Phone app

When you feel that there is someone who touched my phone on your mobile and want to know who is ... keep downloading Who touched my phone app!

This application can record how many times someone tried to open your mobile and not know .. Or if he knew he could open your mobile phone, he could record it in the Report or a report by date and time .. It is open. End the application exactly on the date, time and the second .. On top of the sale, it also takes a picture for you through the selfie camera for He who did this cannot be denied.

The application is running in the background, and no one can know that it is working and can be photographed and recorded without doing anything. Any concern for me is trying to search your mobile phone and let him prefer an unsuspecting person and play with his comfort, and at the end you can see who did that.

Download the Who touched my phone app: From here

3- Rotation Lock Bubble application

Concerning this issue, I personally will upset me..When I opened the Rotation on the mobile phone, for example, I watched a specific need and forgot it..After that, for example, while I was asleep, I came to open WhatsApp, and I went to work on my own.

This application solves this problem very easily and will not make you forget .. Simply by letting the phone switch to a pure normal portrait mode, which is the mode that we use most of the time..When I am a specific application operator, for example, YouTube and I want to do a Rotation, this time is ... in the heart of the mobile and a small tab appears like that or a ball Click on it and let the mobile run Rotation, and when I click on it again, it returns to normal.

Download the application Rotation Lock Bubble: from here

4- Shake Light app

Nobody in us does not use mobile flash every day as a flashlight .. not just for photography .. The Shake Light app is an application that can easily open the mobile searchlight as soon as you shake the mobile phone with your hand .. I mean, you don’t need to open the mobile phone, download the Menu Bar, and turn on the flash.

The interface of the application is not very desirable .. It is one button so that the application is preferable to run on your mobile .. All that you will do is you will do the Enable Shake and close the application .. And that is all that you shake the flash Henor alone.

I see you saying what this flash will open while I am walking quickly or running, for example! .. Because the app knows that the mobile is in your pocket and it will not work. You can also adjust the vibration sensitivity, meaning if you want a strong jolt so the flash works ... or if you want a simple shake.

5- Movavi Clips app

If you sometimes need to do a simple, quick montage of videos on your mobile phone .. or do a story montage, for example, and you don't need to open the computer or use a complex and difficult program, then I advise you to use Movavi Clips.

I like this application very much, its interface because it is easy .. Even if you are not even your age, you have not made a montage before .. Very easily, you can understand how the application works.

Open the application and click on the Plus button below ... and select someone who needs to do a photo montage or a video .. Then select the videos or pictures and press the Start Editing button.

He will tell you, choose the Aspect Ratio for the video, I mean, I want the video to be in length, for example, to fit the Instagram story, and you will see your writer like that ... Or, for example, like the YouTube videos in the show..Choose the one that suits you.

You will find the videos stacked behind some of them, because the timeline is below, and you can do it automatically. You can stand on any of it, so the video works as Trim, or cut and finish and works on Trim again..and then, for example, you want to delete this video easily by wiping it, you are pulling it up or down, and so on.

You can add sound to the video through the free library of the application and can play the original video sound .. You can rotate the video as you wish .. Choose the background color of the video. The transition between the videos means the movement is in a specific way .. You can speed up the video or slow it down .. You can add the logo Buy it for the video or write a text .. You can do a Filter for the video .. All that I said was in the free version.

The paid version will allow you to download the program's logo from the video and you can operate Voice Over, meaning you record a commenting voice on the video and add stickers and many other needs in the paid version .. But I think the free version is excellent if you need to do a simple montage of quick videos .. It's almost the easiest montage application I've used it so far.

  • Download the Movavi Clips app: here
6- Microsoft Math Solver application

The idea of ​​this application is not new .. it is solving mathematical problems by photographing the responsible person with the mobile camera .. and this application from Microsoft .. and I liked it frankly because it explains to you every step in the mathematical equation you have made ... I mean, simply as you are learning a sport, not just a calculator that looks out for you the result And salvation.

Also, I don't just visualize the mathematical equation ... you can also write it through the Draw tab..You can write the equation and the application will solve the equation and explain to you how you solve it .. and in response, you can write the equation in the traditional way on the keyboard through the Type tab .. Honestly, an all-and-useful application!

7- Computer Launcher

Of course, we are all familiar with Launcher applications, which are applications that change the shape of the mobile interface and the shape of icons and so on .. But this application I like very frankly .. Computer Launcher lets your mobile switch to Windows 10 exactly with most of the features of Windows 10 .. I first tried it I said it will be difficult to use .. but When I used it, I found it very easy, and I really liked the way it looks on the mobile.

The mobile interface, as soon as you download and run the application, you will switch to the Windows 10 interface .. And the Start Menu under it, you can answer all the applications .. and a button from which Search works on any need you have on the mobile .. and you can open your messages and make your calls easily.

From the right, you can see the date and time completely like Windows 10 .. You can also see the notifications for you, and of course all the menus you need to find.

This application has a Built-In File Manager or a file manager .. I mean, when you click on This PC, your mobile phone will transform you into files like Windows 10 exactly, and when you delete something, you will find it right in the taskbar, just as if you are sitting on your PC .. honestly very tasty and the change is required.

8- Wallspy

The Wallspy application, named after its name, is a wallpapers application or wallpapers for mobile .. Of course, Google Play has many wallpapers applications, but Wallspy is very special.

The application has more than 8000 images that you talk about almost daily in HD quality, and the application is divided into all sections that you can imagine .. Because if you go on backgrounds for any need you like, you can easily meet.

And the most important feature I love in this application, which is free from my favorite wallpaper applications .. is the modification of the colors of the images in order to suit your desire .. I mean, you can enter on any background and trample on Customize and change the colors as you like .. I mean, you can see from a single image dozen of different pictures.

  • Download the Wallspy app: Here
9- NotifyBuddy app

Many of us have modern phones, but there is no LED notification or notification lamp .. This app, in all simplicity, can keep your mobile phone with a notification light bulb in it.

The program is very good, it uses such a pixel on your screen so that they light up when it generates notifications ... and you choose the size of the notification lamp in the AMOLED screen, its location, its color, and the programs, as well as the one that leaves the notification light bulb .. The issue is excellent, but the only problem with this program is that the mobile phone must remain on the screen. AMOLED does not refresh the IPS LCD screen.

Thus all Mobiles Xiaomi and Rielme cheap who screens the IPS program de mesh Heshetgl it .. but Heshetgl on the screens Alamulad uniforms, for example, Mobile Samsung or any Mobile screen AMOLED generally.

  • Download the NotifyBuddy app: here
10- SplitCloud app

Who among us doesn’t have a good friend. He heard me with you so that I forgot the hand free .. Then he prefers to adjust your choices in songs and refine his mood.

SplitCloud is the solution to this problem, simply. It is the Music Player app. You can play two songs together through it .. and when the handsfree drops all the headphones, you will play a song other than the last .. With that, you will get rid of your companion.

The application remained the same. You can listen to almost all of the songs on it .. I mean, like Sound Cloud, exactly. Turn on the song you want and listen to it all along. Of course, you can hear any songs you have on the mobile from the Tab Library or hear the radio channels in response through the application .. I mean, you feel It is twenty applications in some .. To be honest, it is not better than that. Thanks for your time. keep in touch!

  • SplitCloud Download: Here


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